Online Learning

During the Coronavirus closure, we are using Google Classroom to conduct our daily online lessons.

Classroom helps pupils and teachers organize assignments, boost collaboration, and foster better communication. Everything teachers and pupils need to work better and together with day-to-day tasks, communication and to foster greater collaboration.
Our approach to virtual lessons for our pupils will mainly consist of video explainers, Google Docs/Slides presentations alongside live academic support for students from class teachers via Google Chat/Meet. Pupils will also experience regular live interactions with their teachers.

Although virtual learning can never replace in-person, teacher/pupil interaction, it serves instead as a gateway to continue learning, provide pastoral support and retain the sense of our school community. Of course, this brings with it new challenges and demands, not just for us as a school, but for you as parents, and we will do our very best to support you during these times.

With this in mind, our whole school vision for our virtual learning provision is as follows:

To continue to provide our high-standard of education and support our pupils in furthering their learning. Despite the challenges of distance, we strive to provide the best academic and pastoral support achievable. To be able do this, we will:

  • Provide engaging lessons that can be independently followed by pupils (age-dependent) taking into account the constraints of working remotely.
  • Distribute high-quality learning resources through accessible and safe technologies.
  • Teach new concepts and/or explain learning activities through the use or video (pre-recorded or live, as appropriate).
  • Provide dedicated communication so that teachers can provide responsive support and live - intervention (through video / screen-sharing) to individuals and groups of students (age-dependent).
  • Provide a broad range of subjects including specialist and practical subjects to ensure a variety of learning experiences, both analog and practical, to minimize digital fatigue.
  • Provide pastoral experiences through video assemblies and virtual form/class time to maintain a sense of connectedness.
  • Provide virtual social opportunities for students to interact with form/class groups and engage other than for academic purposes (age-dependent).
  • Offer virtual community events to help promote enjoyable experiences that connect pupils, parents and teachers.
  • Ensure support is available for those students who would benefit from our therapy provision.
  • Regularly communicate with pupils and parents to offer advice, guidance and share outcomes.